Source code for tangier_api.api.specialty

import sys

import pandas
import re
import xmlmanip

from tangier_api.api import ScheduleConnection
from tangier_api.api import ProviderConnection
from tangier_api.api import LocationConnection
from tangier_api import helpers
from tangier_api import exceptions

[docs]class ScheduleManipulation(ScheduleConnection):
[docs] def save_schedule_from_range(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, site_ids=None, xml_string="", **tags): """ Saves schedule for indicated date range and facilities to ScheduleConnection object :param start_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the beginning of the range from which to pull the schedule :param end_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the ending of the range from which to pull the schedule :param site_ids: (list or None) list of ids corresponding to the site(s) that the schedule will be pulled from, defaults to the list pulled from site_file in the __init__ function :param xml_string: (xml string) overrides the default credential and/or schedule injection into base_xml :param tags: (kwargs) things to be injected into the request. :return: """ schedule_values_list = [] ranges = helpers.date_ranges(start_date, end_date) for date_range in ranges: print(str(date_range)) schedule_values_list.extend( self.get_schedule_values_list(date_range[0], date_range[1], site_ids, xml_string, **tags)) df = pandas.DataFrame(schedule_values_list) if df.empty: raise exceptions.APICallError('No schedule was returned in the given range.') df = df.sort_values(['shift_start_date', 'shift_end_date']).reset_index() df = df.drop(['index'], axis=1) self.saved_schedule = df.copy()
[docs] def get_schedule_open(self, info=False): """ Gets DataFrame of all entries from schedule where providername == "open" in the saved_schedule :param info: (bool) whether or not to print out progress :return: (DataFrame) of all entries from schedule which were not worked (reportedminutes == 0) """ if self.saved_schedule is None: raise exceptions.APICallError('There must be a saved schedule from save_schedule_from_range.') df = self.saved_schedule.copy() open_df = df[df['providername'] == 'open'] return open_df
[docs] def get_schedule_empties(self, info=False): """ Gets DataFrame of all entries from schedule which were not worked (reportedminutes == 0) in the saved_schedule :param info: (bool) whether or not to print out progress :return: (DataFrame) of all entries from schedule which were not worked (reportedminutes == 0) """ if self.saved_schedule is None: raise exceptions.APICallError('There must be a saved schedule from save_schedule_from_range.') df = self.saved_schedule.copy() empties = df[df['reportedminutes'] == '0'] return empties
[docs] def get_schedule_conflicts(self, info=False): """ Gets DataFrame of all entries where an employee worked a double-booked shift in the saved_schedule :param info: (bool) whether or not to print out progress :return: (DataFrame) of all entries where an employee worked a double-booked shift """ if self.saved_schedule is None: raise exceptions.APICallError('There must be a saved schedule from save_schedule_from_range.') df = self.saved_schedule.copy() if not 'provider_primary_key' in df.columns: raise exceptions.APICallError('get_schedule_conflicts, and get_schedule_duplicates ' 'rely on use of provider_primary_key=True.') df = df.sort_values(['shift_start_date', 'shift_end_date']) conflict_df = pandas.DataFrame() unique_ids = list(df['provider_primary_key'].dropna().unique()) for c, emp_id in enumerate(unique_ids): if (c % 13 == 12 or c == len(unique_ids) - 1) and info: print(f'{(c+1)/len(unique_ids)*100:>5.2f}%') elif info: print(f'{(c+1)/len(unique_ids)*100:>5.2f}%', end=', ') emp_sched = df.loc[df['provider_primary_key'] == emp_id] for i, row in emp_sched.iterrows(): for j, row2 in emp_sched.iterrows(): if j <= i: continue elif row2['shift_start_date'] > row['shift_end_date']: break if ((row['shift_start_date'] < row2['shift_end_date']) and ( row['shift_end_date'] > row2['shift_start_date'])): row['conflict_shift_start_date'], row['conflict_shift_end_date'] = row2['shift_start_date'], \ row2['shift_end_date'] row['conflict_index'] = j conflict_df = conflict_df.append( row[['conflict_index', 'provider_primary_key', 'shift_start_date', 'shift_end_date', 'conflict_shift_start_date', 'conflict_shift_end_date']]) if not conflict_df.empty: conflict_df['conflict_index'] = conflict_df['conflict_index'].astype(int) return conflict_df
[docs] def get_schedule_duplicates(self, info=False): """ Gets DataFrame of all duplicate entries in the saved_schedule :param info: (bool) whether or not to print out progress :return: (DataFrame) of all duplicate entries """ if self.saved_schedule is None: raise exceptions.APICallError('There must be a saved schedule from save_schedule_from_range.') df = self.saved_schedule.copy() if not 'provider_primary_key' in df.columns: raise exceptions.APICallError('get_schedule_conflicts, and get_schedule_duplicates ' 'rely on use of provider_primary_key=True.') dupe_df = pandas.DataFrame() unique_ids = list(df['provider_primary_key'].dropna().unique()) for c, emp_id in enumerate(unique_ids): if (c % 13 == 12 or c == len(unique_ids) - 1) and info: print(f'{(c+1)/len(unique_ids)*100:>5.2f}%') elif info: print(f'{(c+1)/len(unique_ids)*100:>5.2f}%', end=', ') emp_sched = df.loc[df['provider_primary_key'] == emp_id] for i, row in emp_sched.iterrows(): for j, row2 in emp_sched.iterrows(): if j <= i: continue elif row2['shift_start_date'] > row['shift_end_date']: break if ((row['shift_start_date'] == row2['shift_start_date']) and ( row['shift_end_date'] == row2['shift_end_date'])): row['dupe_shift_start_date'], row['dupe_shift_end_date'] = row2['shift_start_date'], row2[ 'shift_end_date'] row['dupe_index'] = j dupe_df = dupe_df.append( row[['dupe_index', 'provider_primary_key', 'shift_start_date', 'shift_end_date', 'dupe_shift_start_date', 'dupe_shift_end_date']]) if not dupe_df.empty: dupe_df['dupe_index'] = dupe_df['dupe_index'].astype(int) return dupe_df
[docs] def generate_duplicates_report(self, dupes): dupes = dupes.reset_index() # dupes_left will have originals, dupes_right will have duplicates of originals if not 'index' in dupes.columns or not 'dupe_index' in dupes.columns: return pandas.DataFrame() dupes_left = self.saved_schedule.loc[dupes['index']].reset_index() dupes_right = self.saved_schedule.loc[dupes['dupe_index']].reset_index() # we append and sort on the two indices, the final result has alternating rows of orignals and duplicates dupes_append = dupes_left.append(dupes_right).reset_index().sort_values(['level_0', 'index']) dupes_append = dupes_append.set_index(['level_0']) return dupes_append
[docs] def generate_conflicts_report(self, conflicts): conflicts = conflicts.reset_index() conflicts_left = self.saved_schedule.loc[conflicts['index']].reset_index() if not 'index' in conflicts.columns or not 'conflict_index' in conflicts.columns: return pandas.DataFrame() conflicts_right = self.saved_schedule.loc[conflicts['conflict_index']].reset_index() conflicts_append = conflicts_left.append(conflicts_right).reset_index().sort_values(['level_0', 'index']) conflicts_append = conflicts_append.set_index(['level_0']) return conflicts_append
[docs] def remove_schedule_open(self): """ Removes all entries from schedule which are just open shifts (providername == 'open') in the saved_schedule :return: """ initial_length = self.saved_schedule.shape[0] open_df = self.get_schedule_open().reset_index() if open_df.empty: print('No open shifts to remove.') return rows_to_remove = open_df.shape[0] temp_df = self.saved_schedule.drop(open_df['index']) if temp_df.shape[0] == initial_length - rows_to_remove: self.saved_schedule = temp_df else: raise exceptions.APIError( 'An unexpected number of entries were removed; this indicates an issue with the saved schedule.') print(f'Removed {rows_to_remove} open shifts.')
[docs] def remove_schedule_empties(self): """ Removes all entries from schedule which were not worked (reportedminutes == 0) in the saved_schedule :return: """ initial_length = self.saved_schedule.shape[0] empty_df = self.get_schedule_empties().reset_index() if empty_df.empty: print('No empties to remove.') return rows_to_remove = empty_df.shape[0] temp_df = self.saved_schedule.drop(empty_df['index']) if temp_df.shape[0] == initial_length - rows_to_remove: self.saved_schedule = temp_df else: raise exceptions.APIError( 'An unexpected number of entries were removed; this indicates an issue with the saved schedule.') print(f'Removed {rows_to_remove} empties.')
[docs] def remove_schedule_duplicates(self): """ Removes all duplicate entries in the saved_schedule :return: """ initial_length = self.saved_schedule.shape[0] dupe_df = self.get_schedule_duplicates() # report must be generated before the duplicates are removed duplicates_report = self.generate_duplicates_report(dupe_df) if dupe_df.empty: print('No duplicates to remove.') return rows_to_remove = dupe_df.shape[0] temp_df = self.saved_schedule.drop(dupe_df['dupe_index']) if temp_df.shape[0] == initial_length - rows_to_remove: self.saved_schedule = temp_df else: raise exceptions.APIError( 'An unexpected number of entries were removed; this indicates an issue with the saved schedule.') print(f'Removed {rows_to_remove} duplicates.')
[docs] def remove_schedule_conflicts(self): """ Removes all conflicting entries in the saved_schedule :return: """ initial_length = self.saved_schedule.shape[0] conflict_df = self.get_schedule_conflicts() # report must be generated before the duplicates are removed conflicts_report = self.generate_conflicts_report(conflict_df) if conflict_df.empty: print('No duplicates to remove.') return rows_to_remove = 2 * conflict_df.shape[0] temp_df = self.saved_schedule.drop(conflict_df['conflict_index']) temp_df = temp_df.drop(conflict_df.reset_index()['index']) if temp_df.shape[0] == initial_length - rows_to_remove: self.saved_schedule = temp_df else: raise exceptions.APIError( 'An unexpected number of entries were removed; this indicates an issue with the saved schedule.') print(f'Removed {rows_to_remove} conflicts.')
[docs]class ProviderReport(ProviderConnection): def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: isinstance if file.__class__.__name__ == pandas.DataFrame().__class__.__name__: self.df = file.copy() elif file.upper().endswith('.CSV'): self.df = pandas.read_csv(file) else: self.df = pandas.read_excel(file) super(ProviderReport, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_to_report(self, *args, key_column="provider_id"): """ Adds the specified provider information to an excel or csv report according to NPI (emp_id) :param args: (list) of provider fields to be retrieved from tangier and added to the report :param key_column: (str) indicates the header name of the column that contains npis or emp_ids on the report :return: None """ clean_ids = lambda x: int(float(x)) if not re.findall('[a-zA-Z]', f'{x}') else 0 self.df[key_column] = self.df[key_column].apply(clean_ids) self.df[key_column] = self.df[key_column].astype(str) provider_ids = list(self.df[key_column].unique()) info_list = self.provider_info_values_list(provider_ids=provider_ids) get_if_in_keys = lambda x, key: x[key] if key in x.keys() else '' columns_to_add = {arg: f'provider_{arg}' for arg in args} for column in columns_to_add.values(): self.df[column] = '' original_index_name = self.df = self.df.reset_index() for index, row in self.df.iterrows(): provider_info = [*filter(lambda x: x.get("emp_id") == row[key_column], info_list)] if provider_info: for dict_key, df_column in columns_to_add.items(): self.df.loc[index, f'{df_column}'] = get_if_in_keys(provider_info[0], dict_key) columns = list(self.df.columns.values) reordered_columns = [key_column, *columns_to_add.values()] for col in reordered_columns: columns.remove(col) reordered_columns.extend(columns) self.df = self.df[[*reordered_columns]] self.df = self.df.set_index("index" if not original_index_name else original_index_name)
[docs]class ScheduleWithData: def __init__(self, schedule_connection, provider_connection, location_connection): try: import pandas except: raise ImportError(f'{self.__name__} requires pandas to be importable in your environment.') if not isinstance(schedule_connection, ScheduleConnection): raise exceptions.APIError('schedule_connection argument (arg[0]) must be a ScheduleConnection instance.') if not isinstance(provider_connection, ProviderConnection): raise exceptions.APIError('provider_connection argument (arg[1]) must be a ProviderConnection instance.') if not isinstance(location_connection, LocationConnection): raise exceptions.APIError('location_connection argument (arg[0]) must be a LocationConnection instance.') self.sconn = schedule_connection self.pconn = provider_connection self.lconn = location_connection def _get_provider_info(self): self.providers = pandas.DataFrame(self.pconn.provider_info_values_list(all_providers=True, use_primary_keys=True)).fillna('') def _get_location_info(self): self.locations = pandas.DataFrame(self.lconn.location_info_values_list(site_ids='ALL_SITE_IDS')).fillna('')
[docs] def save_schedule_from_range(self, start_date, end_date): self._get_provider_info() self._get_location_info() self.sconn.save_schedule_from_range(start_date, end_date, site_ids=list(self.locations['site_id'].unique()), include_provider_primary_key='true') self.saved_schedule = self.sconn.saved_schedule self.temp_locations = self.locations.drop(columns=['@action', 'is_scheduled']) \ .rename(columns={'name': 'site_name', 'short_name': 'site_short_name'}) self.temp_providers = self.providers.drop( columns=['@action', 'processed', 'comment', 'street', 'city', 'state', 'zip']) with_sites = self.saved_schedule.merge(self.temp_locations, how='left', left_on=['siteid'], right_on=['site_id']).drop(columns=['location']) with_all = with_sites.merge(self.temp_providers, how='left', left_on=['providerprimarykey'], right_on=['provider_primary_key']) with_all = with_all.drop(columns=['empid', 'siteid', 'providerprimarykey']) self.saved_schedule = with_all.fillna('') self.sconn.saved_schedule = self.saved_schedule
[docs]class ProviderLocations: def __init__(self, pconn, lconn): self.pconn = pconn self.lconn = lconn self.all_locations = lconn.location_info_values_list() self.all_providers = pconn.provider_info_values_list(all_providers=True) self.all_location_provider_values = [] @property def all_location_provider_values(self): """ we want to go get them if an access is attempted and we haven't gotten them already """ if not self.__all_location_provider_values: self.all_location_provider_values = self._get_all_location_provider_values() return self.__all_location_provider_values @all_location_provider_values.setter def all_location_provider_values(self, val): self.__all_location_provider_values = [*val] def _get_all_location_provider_values(self): values_list, current_line = [], '' for location in self.all_locations: values_list.extend(self.location_provider_values(location['site_id'])) current_line = self._print_stream(location['site_id'], current_line) self.all_location_provider_values = [*values_list] return values_list def _print_stream(self, current_item, current_line): new_line = f'{current_line + " " if current_line else ""}{current_item}' if len(new_line) > 79: new_line = f'{current_item} ' sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write(new_line) else: sys.stdout.write(f'{current_item} ') sys.stdout.flush() return new_line
[docs] def location_provider_info(self, site_id): """ Sends a provider info request info for all provider_ids for one site_id :param site_id_in: (str) site_id to get provider info for :return: xml with a provider info response """ xml_string = self.pconn.base_xml xml_string = xmlmanip.inject_tags(xml_string, injection_index=2, providers="") provider_dict = { 'provider': { "action": "info", "__inner_tag": { "site_id": site_id, "provider_primary_key": "ALL", } } } xml_string = xmlmanip.inject_tags(xml_string, parent_tag="providers", **provider_dict) return self.pconn.MaintainProviders(xml_string).encode('utf-8')
[docs] def location_provider_values(self, site_id): location_provider_info_response = self.location_provider_info(site_id) location_provider_info_schema = xmlmanip.XMLSchema(location_provider_info_response) location_provider_values ='') return location_provider_values
[docs] def join_all_locations_with_all_providers(self): normalized_provider_location_values = self.all_location_provider_values normalized_provider_location_values_df = pandas.DataFrame(normalized_provider_location_values) provider_info_df = pandas.DataFrame(self.all_providers) joined_df = normalized_provider_location_values_df.merge(provider_info_df, how='inner', left_on=['provider_primary_key', 'emp_id'], right_on=['provider_primary_key', 'emp_id']) return joined_df