Source code for tangier_api.api.schedule

import datetime
import pandas
import numpy
import xmlmanip

from zeep import Client
from zeep.transports import Transport
from requests import Session

from tangier_api import settings
from tangier_api.exceptions import APICallError

[docs]class ScheduleConnection: in_date_format = "%m/%d/%Y" datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" time_format = "%I:%M %p" def __init__(self, xml_string="", site_file=None, site_id_column_header='site_id', testing=False, endpoint=settings.SCHEDULE_ENDPOINT, debug=False): """ Initializes the ScheduleConnection. This method attempts to authenticate the connection, pulls site_ids from the site_id file, and determines WSDL definition info :param xml_string: override the default xml, which is just <tangier method="schedule.request"/> :param site_file: (str) fully qualified path to xlsx or csv document containing all tangier site ids :param site_id_column_header: (str) header name of column containing site ids in site_file :param endpoint: where the WSDL info is with routing info and SOAP API definitions """ if not xml_string: self.base_xml = """<tangier version="1.0" method="schedule.request"></tangier>""" else: self.base_xml = xml_string if site_file: if site_file.endswith('.xlsx'): df = pandas.read_excel(site_file) elif site_file.endswith('.csv'): df = pandas.read_csv(site_file) else: df = pandas.DataFrame() print('Did not read site file; must be a csv or xlsx document.') if not df.empty and site_id_column_header in list(df.columns): if testing: self.site_ids = list(numpy.random.choice(df[site_id_column_header], 20, replace=False)) else: self.site_ids = list(df[site_id_column_header]) elif df.emtpy: self.site_ids = [] else: print('Site ids must be in a column with the header "{0}"'.format(site_id_column_header)) self.base_xml = xmlmanip.inject_tags(self.base_xml, user_name=settings.TANGIER_USERNAME, user_pwd=settings.TANGIER_PASSWORD) self.client = Client(endpoint, transport=Transport(session=Session())) self.saved_schedule = None self.debug = debug
[docs] def GetSchedule(self, xml_string=""): """ WSDL GetSchedule method :param xml_string: (xml str) fully formed xml string for GetSchedule request :return: """ return self.client.service.GetSchedule(xml_string).encode('utf-8')
def _extract_shifts(self, shifts, in_date_format=in_date_format, out_date_format=date_format): shifts_date_str = shifts["@shiftdate"] shifts_date_in = datetime.datetime.strptime(shifts_date_str, in_date_format) shifts_date = shifts_date_in.strftime(out_date_format) if issubclass(shifts['shifts']['shift'].__class__, list): shifts_list = shifts['shifts']['shift'] else: shifts_list = [shifts['shifts']['shift']] def to_iso(shift_time, shifts_date): return ScheduleConnection._time_and_date_to_iso(shift_time, shifts_date) shifts_with_start_dates = list(map(lambda x: {"shift_start_date": to_iso(x['actualstarttime'], shifts_date), **x}, shifts_list)) def add_end_date(shift): return ScheduleConnection._add_end_date('shift_start_date', 'reportedminutes', shift) return list(map(lambda x: add_end_date(x), shifts_with_start_dates)) @staticmethod def _add_end_date(start_datetime_key, duration_key, shift, start_datetime_format=datetime_format): start_datetime_str = shift[start_datetime_key].strip() start_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(f'{start_datetime_str}', f'{start_datetime_format}') duration_str = shift[duration_key].strip() duration = datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(float(duration_str))) end_datetime = start_datetime + duration end_datetime_str = end_datetime.isoformat() return {"shift_end_date": end_datetime_str, **shift} @staticmethod def _time_and_date_to_iso(time, date, time_format=time_format, date_format=date_format): return datetime.datetime.strptime(f'{time} {date}', f'{time_format} {date_format}').isoformat()
[docs] def get_schedule(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, site_id=None, emp_id=None, xml_string="", **tags): """ Wrapper for the GetSchedule method which facilitates adding necessary tags to the default xml string. Pulls schedule for one site for a given date range. :param start_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the beginning of the range from which to pull the schedule :param end_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the ending of the range from which to pull the schedule :param site_id: (str or int) id corresponding to the site that the schedule will be pulled from :param xml_string: (xml string)overrides the default credential and/or schedule injection into base_xml :param tags: (kwargs) things to be injected into the request. :return: xml response string with an error message or a schedule. """ if not start_date and end_date and (site_id or emp_id): raise APICallError('kwargs start_date, end_date, and (site_id or emp_id) are all required.') xml_string = xml_string if xml_string else self.base_xml base_tags = {} if site_id: base_tags.update({"site_id": site_id}) if emp_id: base_tags.update({"emp_id": str(emp_id)}) base_tags.update({"start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, **tags}) xml_string = xmlmanip.inject_tags(xml_string, injection_index=2, schedule="") xml_string = xmlmanip.inject_tags(xml_string, parent_tag="schedule", **base_tags) if self.debug: self.last_request = xml_string return self.GetSchedule(xml_string)
[docs] def get_schedules(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, site_ids=None, xml_string="", **tags): """ Wrapper for the GetSchedule method which facilitates adding necessary tags to the default xml string. Pulls schedule for multiple sites for a given date range. Makes multiple API calls to get schedules from multiple facilities. :param start_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the beginning of the range from which to pull the schedule :param end_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the ending of the range from which to pull the schedule :param site_ids: (list or None) list of ids corresponding to the site(s) that the schedule will be pulled from, defaults to the list pulled from site_file in the __init__ function :param xml_string: (xml string) overrides the default credential and/or schedule injection into base_xml :param tags: (kwargs) things to be injected into the request. :return: xml response string with an error message or a schedule. """ if not site_ids: site_ids = self.site_ids if not (site_ids and start_date and end_date): raise APICallError("Required kwarg site_ids must be an enumerable object of site_id's.") xml_string = xml_string if xml_string else self.base_xml schedules = [] for site_id in site_ids: schedules.append(self.get_schedule(site_id=site_id, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, xml_string=xml_string)) return schedules
[docs] def get_schedule_values_list(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, site_ids=None, emp_ids=None, xml_string="", **tags): """ Wrapper for the get_schedules function that returns the retrieved schedules as a list of dicts. This can easily be converted into a DataFrame :param start_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the beginning of the range from which to pull the schedule :param end_date: (str) %Y-%m-%d date string indicating the ending of the range from which to pull the schedule :param site_ids: (list or None) list of ids corresponding to the site(s) that the schedule will be pulled from, defaults to the list pulled from site_file in the __init__ function :param emp_ids: (list or None) list of emp_ids corresponding to the employee(s) that the schedule will be pulled for :param xml_string: (xml string) overrides the default credential and/or schedule injection into base_xml :param tags: (kwargs) things to be injected into the request. :return: (OrderedDict) filled with schedules. """ if not site_ids and not hasattr(self, 'site_ids') and not emp_ids: raise APICallError("kwarg site_ids or emp_ids is required.") elif (site_ids or hasattr(self, 'site_ids')) and emp_ids: raise APICallError("schedule queries on both site_ids and emp_ids is currently not supported.") elif not site_ids and not emp_ids: site_ids = self.site_ids id_type = 'site_id' if site_ids else 'emp_id' id_list = site_ids if site_ids else emp_ids id_list = id_list if issubclass(id_list.__class__, list) else [id_list] xml_string = xml_string if xml_string else self.base_xml schedule_values_list = [] for _id in id_list: id_kwargs = {id_type: _id} schedule_response = self.get_schedule(xml_string=xml_string, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, **id_kwargs, **tags) temp_values_list = xmlmanip.XMLSchema(schedule_response).search('@shiftdate', "", comparison='ne') for shifts in temp_values_list: schedule_values_list.extend(self._extract_shifts(shifts)) return schedule_values_list