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This package facilitates the usage of Bullhorn’s developer API.


  • Handles Authorization
    • Stored Credentials Optional
  • Handles Tokens
    • Granting
    • Storing
    • Auto Refresh Expired Tokens
  • Facilitates Simple Concurrency
  • Works in Windows (Please no flash photography)

Environment Setup


Create environment using anaconda or whatever and activate it:

conda create -n bullhorn3.6
source activate bullhorn3.6
pip install -r /path/to/project_root/requirements.txt

Windows (Anaconda)

Same as above, but you will need to perform

conda install psycopg2
conda install sqlalchemy

afterwards, as there are some dependencies that Anaconda has to work out to make these packages work on Windows. I highly recommend you use Anaconda in windows, as it will handle all the nasty c bits that numerous python packages require.

## Configuration

There needs to be a file named bullhorn_interface.conf that looks like this somewhere on your system:

TOKEN_HANDLER = [pick from 'live', 'pg', or 'sqlite']
CLIENT_ID = client_id
CLIENT_SECRET = client_secret
EMAIL_ADDRESS = email@email.com
DB_NAME = bullhorn_box
DB_HOST = localhost
DB_USER = db_user
DB_PASSWORD = password

If this file lives in your working directory you are good to go. If not, you will need to set an environment variable to the full path of this file. Note that you can leave each of these lines blank if you are not comfortable storing items in plaintext, but none of the test will pass if vital items are left blank. See here about how to use the interface without storing credentials in plain text.


export INTERFACE_CONF_FILE=/home/jjorissen/interface_secrets.conf


set INTERFACE_CONF_FILE=/full/path/to/bullhorn_secrets.conf


import os
os.environ['INTERFACE_CONF_FILE'] = '/home/jjorissen/interface_secrets.conf'

To test your current configuration you can do:

# this cannot be run in jupyter notebooks, sadly.
from bullhorn_interface import tests

If you want to run a full coverage test (for even the features you aren’t configured for) you can set the below environment variable first.

export TEST_FULL_COVERAGE=1 # it's actually not quite full coverage, sorry.

Developers, you can run the below to test the coverage.

sudo apt-get install coverage
coverage run -m unittest discover -s bullhorn_interface/
#inline summary
coverage report -m
# generate browser navigable summary
coverage html

Using Postgres or SQLite

Database Setup

Note: If you are using PG, your DB_USER must have access to the ‘postgres’ database on your postgreSQL server, and must have sufficient permissions to create and edit databases.

To create a database to house your tokens:

from bullhorn_interface.api import tokenbox
bullhorn_box created successfully.

If you wish to drop that database for some reason:

Database named bullhorn_box will be destroyed in 5...4...3...2...1...0
bullhorn_box dropped successfully.

It’s that easy. The necessary tables will be created automatically when the tokens are generated for the first time, so don’t sweat anything! For more information on using tokenbox, visit the repo

Interface Explanation

bullhorn_interface interacts will Bullhorn’s API using Interface objects.

  • LiveInterface keeps tokens on itself. These guys should always be created as independent, as LiveInterface objects are capable of refreshing expired tokens only for themselves.
  • StoredInterface keeps tokens on itself and also checks tokens in the database before allowing a refresh to happen. This allows you to use the same token among many interfaces in case you need to have many running at once. * Bullhorn doesn’t seem to mind if you have numerous API logins running simultaneously, so there isn’t much utility to the StoredInterface. However, in the case where you are creating new Interface objects frequently, using an `independent stored interface will keep you from having to wait on unnecessary login() calls.

Using LiveInterface

Generate Login Token

from bullhorn_interface import api
interface = api.LiveInterface(username=api.BULLHORN_USERNAME, password=api.BULLHORN_PASSWORD)
New Login Token

Generate API Token

Once you’ve been granted a login token, you can get a token and url for the rest API.

New Access Token

Make API Calls

import pandas
# equivalent to query="lastName:Jorissen AND firstName:John-Paul"
df = pandas.DataFrame(interface.api_search(entity='Candidate', lastName="Jorissen", firstName="John-Paul")['data'])
# df = pandas.DataFrame(interface.api_search(entity='Candidate', query="lastName:Jorissen AND firstName:John-Paul")['data'])
df[['lastName', 'firstName']].head(2)
New Login Token
New Access Token
Refreshing API Token
lastName firstName
0 Jorissen John-Paul
1 Jorissen John-Paul

If you can get a candidate by name like above, everything is setup properly.

Using StoredInterface

If you for some reason need (or want) to keep your tokens stored in a database, you can use the stored interface.

interface = api.StoredInterface(username=api.BULLHORN_USERNAME, password=api.BULLHORN_PASSWORD)

You interact with everything the same way as the LiveInterface setup.

# there is never a reason to manually invoke refresh_token(); api_call() will handle expired tokens for you.
df = pandas.DataFrame(interface.api_search(entity='Candidate', lastName="Jorissen", firstName="John-Paul")['data'])
New Login Token
New Access Token
df[['lastName', 'firstName']].head(2)
lastName firstName
0 Jorissen John-Paul
1 Jorissen John-Paul
There is one difference here, however. You can make your

StoredInterface objects independent. This means that they will not login or refresh tokens on their own; they will instead be relying on a lead StoredInterface to keep tokens fresh. For a demonstration run 1 and 2 in separate python command prompts.

from bullhorn_interface import api
first, last = "John-Paul", "Jorissen"
qs = f"firstName:{first} AND lastName:{last}"
lead_interface = api.StoredInterface(username=api.BULLHORN_USERNAME, password=api.BULLHORN_PASSWORD)
dependent_interface = api.StoredInterface(username=api.BULLHORN_USERNAME, password=api.BULLHORN_PASSWORD,
# using the tokens that lead_interface aquired
# forcing the dependent interface to think the token on its person has expired
dependent_interface.login_token['expiry'] = 0
# the interface will now check itself and find that it's token has expired. after the first failure, it will
# check the database to see if an independent interface has put in a token that has not expired.
New Login Token
New Access Token
Token Expired. Attempt 1/10 failed.
{'_score': 1.0,
 'comments': '',
 'firstName': 'John-Paul',
 'id': 425082,
 'lastName': 'Jorissen',
 'middleName': None,
 'notes': {'data': [], 'total': 0}}

Avoiding Plaintext Passwords

If you are a bit squeamish about storing your Bullhorn login credentials in plaintext somewhere on your filesystem there is a workaround for you.

import os
os.environ['INTERFACE_CONF_FILE'] = '/home/jjorissen/bullhorn_secrets.conf'
from bullhorn_interface import api
# don't give the interface your password in the config file (leave that field blank)
interface = api.LiveInterface(username="", password="")
# run login and get the url that will generate a login code for you. YOU MUST RUN IT YOURSELF; VISITING
Credentials not provided. Provide a username/password combination or follow the procedure below:
Paste this URL into browser https://auth.bullhornstaffing.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=YOUCLIENTID&response_type=code
Redirect URL will look like this: http://www.bullhorn.com/?code=YOUR%CODE%WILL%BE%RIGHT%HERE&client_id=YOURCLIENTID.
# you can only login with this code once.
New Login Token

You can also avoiding storing any other sensitive information in plaintext by omitting them from your configurations (leave the key empty) file and manually adding it to the Interface and api.tokenbox like shown below:

from tokenbox import TokenBox
api.tokenbox = TokenBox('username', 'password', 'db_name', api.metadata, db_host='localhost',
                        use_sqlite=True, **api.table_definitions)
interface.client_id = "I%am%your%client%ID"
interface.client_secret = "I%am%your%client%secret"

API Guides

Now with your interfaces in order, you can make API calls. This will all be done with interface.api_call and numerous other helper methods. You’ll need to look over the Bullhorn API Reference Material if you haven’t already to familiarize yourself with the entities and how they related to one another.

Get Candidate IDs (and comments) by first and last name

first_name, last_name = "John-Paul", "Jorissen"

def get_candidate_id(first_name, last_name):
       return interface.api_call(command="search", entity="Candidate", select_fields=["id", "comments"],
                       query=f"firstName:{first_name} AND lastName:{last_name}")

candidate = get_candidate_id(first_name, last_name)['data']
print(list(filter(lambda x: x['id'] == 425084, candidate)))
[{'id': 425084, 'comments': 'I am the old comment', '_score': 1.0}]

Update a Candidate’s comments

candidate_id = 425084
comments = 'I am the new comment'
body = {"comments": comments}
interface.api_call(command="entity", entity="Candidate", entity_id=candidate_id, body=body, method="UPDATE")
{'changeType': 'UPDATE',
 'changedEntityId': 425084,
 'changedEntityType': 'Candidate',
 'data': {'comments': 'I am the new comment'}}
print(list(filter(lambda x: x['id'] == 425084, get_candidate_id(first_name, last_name)['data'])))
[{'id': 425084, 'comments': 'I am the new comment', '_score': 1.0}]


Feel free to contact me with questions and suggestions of improvements. Contributions are greatly appreciated.
